This fan-based Website would not be possible without the help of several people, most notably Rita's wonderful family - Geraldine Lewis, Louise Webb, Richard Webb and Joan Webb. Who have given their help, support, time and trust in this project.
Geraldine alone spent many hours scanning pictures to send to me and answering many questions for me and for that I give my deepest thanks.
Louise also spent many hours sorting out scrap books and photo-copying them for me and also was on hand to answer questions I had.
Most of the fantastic pictures and information on this site would not have been possible without them. And for that I am truly grateful.
Also a big thank you to Rita's long-lost side of the family. Allan and Marg Dale and Keira Lockyer who supplied rare photographs of Rita's family. And who were kind enough to share there family history with me and allow it for inclusion on this site
And for Allan and Margs visit to me whilst holidaying in London. I really enjoyed meeting you both, especially our trip to Whitton and historic tour helped by Vic Rosenware.
Special thanks also go to Judith Howard and her wonderful husband Alvin Howard and daughter Charlotte Howard for there kindness, support and friendship (not to mention the great pictures and stories they allowed to be put on this site!)
Also a special thanks must go to Merav Schejtman who put me in touch in the first place.
(most of the photographs on this site are copyright of Geraldine Lewis, Louise Webb,Joan Webb, Richard Webb, Allan and Marg Dale, Keira Lockyer and Judith Howard and use of them are strictly forbidden without the permission of the copyright holders)
Thanks also to Rita's agent Peter Campbell, the actors Andrew Ray, Peter Byrne and Peter Charlton for giving up their time to chat with me and answer questions.
Also to James Codd and staff at the BBC written archives for their help and relaxed attitude, Other thanks must go to my webdesign teacher Simon Lees for helping make this site look as good as it does and giving me the time to complete this daunting task. plus Marcus and Ranjit for helping type up some of the newspaper articles & Michael Casey for the drinks! Thanks to Janice for her early help and guidance.
My Partner J Antonio Minana-Fons who had to put up with me talking about Rita Webb 24/7 and who helped to edit the text.
Also not forgetting my friends Melanie Comber for the 'Pie and Mash' meet-ups and her boyfriend Richard who always makes me laugh.
Mark Lewisohn and Dick Fiddy for giving me advice, Special thanks to Simon Moss for always looking out for me. and Tony Clark who always had time to chat about Nostalgic moments from TV land.To Geoff Bowden for the variety info! Bryan Hammond for the support.
This site is dedicated to my best friend Garry Foster who I miss more than words can say and My Mum who died too young and can never be replaced.... and finally I thank Henry Webb, Al Jeffery and the lady herself, Rita Webb. Who many years after her death is still "making people laugh." Long may the laughter continue! - Aaron Smith site owner.