Rita plays a Flower seller in this film. And is seen alongside Tom Bell. The scene is full of Rita's laughter as Tom rushes to buy some flowers. Rita is sitting at her stool as he comes dashing across the road and asks her 'what should I buy her darling' Rita gets up and says 'Depends how much you want her' Tom saucily puts some money inside Rita's coat saying 'here stick that in yer garter' Rita cackles loudly 'Ohh you wicked man, the poor girl don’t stand a chance, do she' he replies 'Back to my flat, present her with the flowers, out on the town, then back to the den, you gorgeous creature' (he grabs hold of Rita and gives her a kiss then rushes off) leaving Rita cackling with joy shouting (off camera)' oh you cunning boy, oh dear'

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