To all those who were kind enough to take an interest in my husband’s cancer journey it breaks my heart to tell you he lost his battle and passed away peacefully on Sunday 13th October at 11pm with Me by his side. Thankfully he was at home in our bedroom and not in the hospital which allowed me to lay beside him all night until the next morning. He is my one true love who I have been with since I was 26 and he was 33 in 1993.
Jesus was a super human being the kindest and sincerest person i’ve ever met. We loved each other deeply from day one and I feel we have both been robbed of so many more years to come by this blasted disease. Life now without him will be so tough as we were each other’s everything and that is irreplaceable.
He loved life and thought hard to stay alive right to the bitter end. His strength was amazing where he got the energy from some days I do not know with the pain he was in. For my part I gave him the best care any human could give another and I told him regularly how much I loved him and he told me the same back with many kisses thrown in.
I will miss him more than any words I can put down here and dread living in this world without him but I have a duty of care to our two cats Peritial and Ginger who we treated like our children and of course all the strays that pop by for some grub!
To all those who were there for him and those who wished him well and continue to support me through my grief we Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
The photo in the sea was taken by me of Jesus in October 1993 in Spain he was so full of life in this photo it brings me great joy and I hope it does that for some of you too. and I selected just three images of a lifetime of images the top image is one of my favourites of us in Edinburgh in 1994 the middle is just after we got married in London in 2015 and the bottom photo in the summer of 2024 in Clapham.
Sleep well my Spanish Prince and I hope one day we will be together again forever more. Love, Aaron xx
