Wednesday Matinee: Pastoral Symphony-24th August 1949, London Lights
Jeeves: Indian Summer For An Uncle -1964 as Maudie
Mary Poppins-1969 as Mrs Brill, Fontana Special SFL 14098
Mary Poppins Comes Back-1969 as Mrs Brill, Fontana Special SFL 14111
Late Night Extra-17th June 1970 (10-12 midnight) Live, interview (4'11') radio 1& 2
Open House with Pete Murray-Tuesday 7th March 1972 R2 (between 10-11am) guest
Open House with Pete Murray-Wednesday 29th Dec 1972 R2 (between 9:30-10:30) guest
Open House with Pete Murray-23rd April 1973 R2 (between 9-10am) at London palladium
David Hamilton Show-1973
Steel Eye Span Show-17th Dec 1975 (recorded-5:30)10pm Radio 1
Open House with Pete Murray-Friday 19th August 1977, R2 (between 9:30-10:30am) guest
The next time we hear Rita she is playing a Maid named 'Mildred', again with one-liners "Miss short to see you, madam.", "The mother's union are in the morning room, madam." and "Mr Lawrence has arrived sir" Rita gets the final lines of the play when she rushes in and speaks in great agitation "Please, sir, do come quickly. The sow got out of the pig sty and she's chasing the Mother's union round the garden."
In 1964 Rita appeared in an audio adaption of the popular P.G.Wodehouse stories of "Jeeves" Rita played "Maudie Willberforce" in the story "Indian Summer Of An Uncle" playing opposite 'Terry-Thomas' as 'Bertie Wooster' with 'Roger Livesey' as 'Jeeves' and 'Miles Malleson' as 'Uncle George'. in one of her scenes, 'Jeeves' annouces her to 'Bertie', she starts to laugh and says "And our am I to keep a straight face with you standing behind and saying 'Madam, can I tempt you with a potatoe? It's more than I know" It was a great little part for Rita, and it's a pity she didn't do more Radio plays as she was really very good.
Rita played the part of Mrs Brill in 1969 on a couple of Mary Poppins LP adventures, again the parts were small but Rita put them to good use, Maggie Smith played the part of Mary Poppins and the story was narrated by Robert Stephens, the recording featured many acting talents including Mary Miller, Peter Bayliss, Sylvia Coleridge and Jack May.

Rita Webb's BBC career began on Radio in 1949. As the list shows she would not continue in this medium. Her career took off in TV and that's where the majority of her work can be found. However her premier was indeed on Radio in the Wednesday Matinee play called "Pastoral Symphony". Which broadcast on 24th August 1949 at 3.25pm on the BBC Home service. Rita was billed as "Mrs Crump" and "Mildred the Maid". playing opposite "Preston Lockwood", Lucille Lisle", "Ysanne Churchman" and "Donald Gray". Rita's first scene as Mrs Crump, playing opposite Ysanne Churchman as 'Anthea' went like this"Come in, Miss. He won't be a minute. He's just slipped round the corner to buy the fish for lunch. He said he was expecting a visitor." and continued "He'll be real dissapointed if you don't stay to lunch. I brought a bit of me own dripping along for the pancakes. Mr Lawrence is a rare one for pancakes." Anthea adds "Food is such a problem these days isn't it?" Rita's 'Mrs Crump' replies "Yes, but Mr Lawrence he isn't fussy. Now the gentlemen I did for before was a 'oly terror what with his indigestions and fads. Real old sober sides he was. In bed at ten every night with his bi-carbonate of soda. Now Mr Lawrence is one for a bit of life. The parties we've 'Ad 'ere. (Laughs)and the mess next morning - tobacoo ash and bottles all over the floor - still as I say 'Yer only young once'. The rest of Rita's lines as Mrs Crump are one liners "You can be getting on with your soup while I fry these", "Here's the soup, and "the fish will be done in a jiffy." and "Afraid the soup's caught a bit."