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It's not known how or when Rita Webb first started to act, but it was probably during the late 1930's doing variety and Music Hall. She did tours around London and England from 1939 to 1949 in various shows and by 1949 was involved with Unity theatre and other theatre companies.

Rita in two rare scenes from "The Townsends" (1949)

She played in many other productions among them "Inpure Thoughts", "The Winslow Boy" (as the maid) "Flowers in the Living" (as Miss Shadwell), "Robert's Wife" (as Mother) "Pygmalion" and "The Lady Mislaid". Also shows at the Amersham Theatre company in London were home to many productions in the late 40's and early 50's.

By the mid 50's Rita was more active in film and Television than on stage, she did a tour with Fred Emney in May 1955 (she also appeared on his tv show several times) another stage performance came in 1957, appearing in the first act with Fanny Carby as cleaners. She did a stint at The Royal Court in "A Resounding Tinkle" (Rita would also appear in the TV version of the play a few years later)

The sixties saw very little stage action from Rita, she was highly succesful on the Arthur Haynes tv show and did a summer season at Blackpool with his show in1966, the press were out in force for this one and Rita got some good reviews and press coverage around this time. No doubt she did other shows for charity and the like but up to now no imformation has come my way.

The stage 22/08/63

In 1949 she played Aunt Helen in 'The Townshends' a Unity production. The times review of 29th April wrote "Miss Rita Webb as the sister who long ago taught her husband his place, is racily funny". Another Unity show was "Where's That Bomb" also in 1949 (Playing the landlady Mrs Judd). 

The stage 27/01/55

The Stage 07/07/49

The stage 05/12/57

The stage 29/06/67

The 70's and beyond were almost like the sixties where stage activity was concerned, although Rita had great critical aclaim in Stratford Easts production of "The Londoners" Rita played Granny Miggs and even got to sing in this show, The Daily mail commented "The old ones are summed up in Rita Webb's indomitable old granny, her hennaed hair bristling with combs, who has walked out of her new flat, because if you die twenty storey's up, they have to stand your coffin on it's head to get it down in the lift. Life for her has been 'a lazy git of a husband and a load of blood-sucking kids.' she is real and she gives the show what truth it has. She also did more charity work along with old peoples homes. With Jeffie on Banjo she would give the old folk the beauty of her wonderful voice! Another show she did was "Nuts" singing "No one loves a fairy when she's 50" performed in June 1973 and a 3 night charity gala in 1974 alongside Gordon Honeycomb. They could often be seen at partys doing a comedy act togehter, according to Rita's agent Peter Campbell.

Pride And Prejudice-1948 Thalians 20th Century Theatre as Mother

Jupiter Laughs-08/05/1948 Thalians 20th Century Theatre, as The Matron

Where's That Bomb-7th Jan 1949, Unity Theatre as Mrs Judd, Landlady

The Townshend-April 1949 Unity Theatre Production as Aunt Helen

Lunch Time Variety-May 1949,Gateway Theatre, Westbourne Grove

Inpure Thoughts-1949

Her Back Against The Wall-July 1949,Gateway Theatre, Westbourne Grove

The Winslow Boy-as Maid, 1949

Pygmalion-as Maid

The Corn Is Green-August 1950

Flowers In The Living-as Miss Shadwell,1950

Robert's Wife-as Mother, 1950

The Lady Mislaid-Amersham Playhouse April 1951

Emney Enterprises-The Royal, Portsmouth -1955(opened 31st Jan 1955 (12 week Tour)

Emney Enterprises-Brighton Hippodrome (Feb)

Emney Enterprises-Finsbury Park Empire, (from Monday 14th Feb 1955) Played 1 week

Emney Enterprises-Birmingham Hippodrome (Feb)

Emney Enterprises-Chiswick Empire (28th Feb?)

Emney Enterprises-Reading Palace (9th May?)

A Resounding Tinkle-Royal Court, Nov1957, as First Cleaner (Act1) with Fanny Carby as 2nd cleaner

Johnny Stewart In Holiday Tavern-1963 Weymouth

The Arthur Haynes Show-1966 Summer season, Blackpool, Winter Gardens Pavilion 

(Playing Mother in 3rd act "The Legion's last Stand" by Frank Muir & Denis Norden)

Unity Gala Performance-Sunday 2nd July 1967 (Al Jeffrey also appeared)

The Londoners-27th March1972, Stratford East as The Grannie Miggs 63 performances

Hinge and Bracket Vs Rita Webb-Theatre Royal, Stratford, E15-22nd March 1973 

Nuts-June 1973, Theatre Royal, Stratford East

Mrs Shufflewick's Night Under The Stars-17-19th Jan 1974, Theatre Royal, Stratford E15

Nuts-18-20 June 1974, Theatre Royal, 3 night charity gala

One Of Us A Celebration For Mike Pratt -Aldwych, 8th Aug 1976

Photos copyright to Geraldine Lewis
Additional Information and materials supplied by Aaron Smith
These images are the exclusive ownership of the copyright holders and are strictly prohibited from being reproduced, copied or used by any individual anywhere else other than this website.

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