Rita plays the part of Landlady Mrs Snell in the this beautifully shot movie.
Below is the film script segments that feature Rita Webb's character Mrs Snell.
RW in opening titles as Mrs Snell (Landlady)
S5 (11 ft 5 frames) Dissolve to Ext. Mrs Snell’s house, day, shooting down street with Blue Anchor pub on C.R and Railway Bridge in extreme B.S Tommy enters C.R.F.S and walks down street (effect of train crossing bridge) Total footage 16-1
S6 (7 ft 7 frames) MLS of Tom coming to camera, camera eases back slightly as he turns into Mrs Snell’s house. We cut as he runs up the stairs (Total Footage 27-6)
S7 (4 ft 3 frames) Shooting up to MS of the front door. Tommy enters shot from below camera and takes key from the letter box (Mrs Snell O.S Pat Doyle! Tommy opens door (Total footage 35-13)
S8 (33 ft 5 frames) INT Mrs Snell’s house, shooting down the stairs towards the front door. Mrs Snell stands at the bottom on C.L of shot, looking up at camera, at beginning of shot Tommy comes through front door. Mrs Snell “Are you going to work today? It’s gone eleven o’clock” Pat O.S “Ach! Stop your screeching, me heads split in two.” Mrs Snell turns and sees Tommy, Mrs Snell “Hello Tommy, what mischief have you been up to?” Tommy remains dumb, Mrs Snell “What’s the matter? Lost your tongue?” Tommy runs past Mrs Snell and out C.R.F.G Mrs Snell turns and shouts after him “I know I’m only the landlady, but when I ask a civil question I like a civil answer” (Total footage 39-0)
S9 (11 ft 0 frames) INT Doyles Room. Shooting onto the closed door. Tommy opens it and enters. Mrs Snell – O.S. “And see if you can rouse that good-for-nothing father of yours, because I’m not calling him again today” Tommy closes the door ans stands looking O.S.L towards his father (Total footage 83-5)
S10-14 Tom and Pat no RW
S15 (5 ft 15 frames) Mrs Snell O>S. “Pat Doyle I’m not calling you again”
(Total footage 129-13)
S16 (6 ft 3 frames) MES of Pat looking O.S.L at Tommy. Mrs Snell O.S. “It’s after 11 o’clock” Pat-“Don’t shout! I’m coming” he starts to rise as we cut to S17 (Total footage 141-15)
S17 Pat-“That woman has a voice like a banshee in torment”
S18-23 Tom and Pat no RW
S22-24 EXT Shot Mrs Snell’s house (Day) shooting from pavement Policeman knocks on door
S23 Is Tommy
S24 – shooting from the landing onto the door of Tommy’s room, it opens and Tommy peers out. Policeman O.S. “Mrs Snell?” Mrs Snell “Yes”
(Total footage 200-14)
S25 (6ft 7 frames) Shooting from Tommy’s pan to the shadows of the policeman and Mrs Snell on the wall by the stairs. Policeman O.S. “Have you a lodger called Patrick Doyle? We know he works at borough market.” (Total footage 203-9)
S26 (8 ft 7 frames) Shooting onto Tommy standing by the open door. He comes forward into MCS and crouches by the banister to listen. Mrs Snell O.S. “Why don’t you try there then?” camera in to C>S of Tommy. Policeman O.S. “We have, he was due on at six am. He hasn’t tuned up.” Camera tracks in to C.S of Tommy (Total footage 210-0)
S27 (3ft 3 frames) resume shot 25. Mrs Snell O.S. “Nothing Unusual about that” (Total footage 218-7)
S28 (9 ft 6 frames) CS Tommy listening. Mrs Snell O.S. “I do my best to get him up on time. But what can you do with a man who stays out talking his head off…”(Total footage 200-14)
S29 (4ft 4 frames) Resume shot 25 – Mrs Snell O.S “…The pubs close, and then can’t get up in the morning?” (Total footage 231-0)
S30 (12 ft 110 frames) CS Tommy listening. Policeman O.S. “has he left for work now?” Mrs Snell O.S “Half an hour ago” Policeman O.S “I’ll call Southwark Police station, they’ll pick him up” Tommy turns and runs into the room, closing door behind him (Total footage 235-4)
S31 (6 ft 3 frames) Shooting onto Mrs Snell at the front door, she closes it and turns to camera, she turns to C.R. Mrs Snell “These Irish nothing but trouble” (Total footage 247-14)
S70 (4ft 10 frames) EXT Mrs Snell’s house (Night). LS of Mrs Snell as she opens window and looks out at Pat and Mike (music and singing from pub) (Total footage 643-12)
S71 (2 ft 7 frames) MCS Mrs Snell standing at the window looking O.S.L at Pat and Mike. Mike O.S “Up the Irish republic”
S72 (14 ft 7 frames) Shooting from Mrs Snell POV to LS of Pat and Mike standing in the middle of the road outside the Blue Anchor. Mike “And here’s to the of the six count” Mike turns and walks away from camera, Pat comes forward humming (Total footage 665-4)
S73 (3 ft 1 frame) MCS Mrs Snell looking out of the window at Pat O.S.R Pat O.S humming (Total footage 665-4)
S74 (8ft 15 frames) LS of Mrs Snell at the window. Pat enters C.R and camera tracks in slightly as he staggers to the house, he stops at the foot of the steps (Total footage 668-5)
S75 (5 ft 5 frames) CS pat looking up and out at Mrs Snell. Pat – “The fairest rose of all Bermondsey” (Total footage 677-4)
S76 (6ft 3 frames) MCS Mrs Snell looking out of the window at Pat. Pat O.S “Me darling Mrs Snell…” Mrs Snell “You’ve been boozing.” (Total footage 682-9)
S77 (10ft 2 frames) CS Pat looking up and out left of Mrs Snell. Pat “Ah hah! It’s a great day for the Irish when they defeat the majesty of the law, you should have heard what I said to…” (Total footage 688-12)
S78 CS Mrs Snell looking out of the window. Pat O.S “…The magistrates2 Mrs Snell “Tommy’s gone” (Total footage 698-14)
S79 (8ft 6 frames) CS Pat he reacts. Mrs Snell O.S “He stopped out all night” Pat “Gone? What do you mean gone?” (Total footage 701-10)
S80 (6 ft 7 frames) Shooting PST Pat in back position to MLS Mrs Snell at the window. Mrs Snell “Go and see for yourself then.” She closes the window and pulls curtains. Pat runs up the stairs. (Total footage 710-0)
S81 (13 ft 3 frames) INT House (Night) shooting down stairs to front door. Pat runs in and upstairs to MCS. Pat (shouting) “Tommy, where are you?” Mrs Snell comes out of the room on C.L. Mrs Snell “I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning” Pat ignores her and runs up the steps and out C.I.F.G Mrs Snell (closes the front door)
S82 (75 ft 13 frames) INT Pat’s room. (Night) Pat runs in and camera pans right with him across the room to the open cupboard. He stares at it, then turns and comes to piggy bank lying on the table. Mrs Snell enters C.L. Pat “He’s taken all his savings, why would he do that?” Mrs Snell “If the boy’s run away it’s your fault. What sort of a home have you given him here. Talk, talk all night long in the pub with your friends, but you’ve never a word for your boy in the morning.” Pat “all right! All right! What do I do now?” Mrs Snell “Well there’s always the police.”
Shot Contd
Pat “The Police! They couldn’t find Lord Nelson in Trafalgar Square.” Mrs Snell exits C.L. camera tracks in as Pat sits in armchair. Pat “It’s not as serious as all that. No! he’ll be back. He was always a good sensible boy.” (Total footage 729-10)
S57 (42 ft 0 frames) INT Pat’s room MS Pat seated on the bed by the open window and Mrs Snell standing on C.L of him. Pat “Why wasn’t I here? Why wasn’t I here?” Mrs Snell “pat you must go to the Police.” Camera tracks in slowely. Pat “The Police! They’d take him away from me. They’d try to make out, maybe I didn’t look after him.” Mrs Snell “But he may be in danger.” Camera holds Pat INCS Pat picks up broken pieces of shell. Pat “We know he’s alive, I’ll find him me self!.”
(Total footage 510-02)
S58 (15 ft 9 frames) dissolved to INT Tommy’s room MS of Tommy in pyjamas as he finishes making the bed. Camera pans right and tracks in with him as he picks up lamp and moves across to the open window. (Total footage 552-2)

Time On Screen:
Studio: columbia